Meloni front row, the only European leader
“During or after the lunch for the so-called dignitaries, after the inauguration”, the prediction of Carlo Fidanza, present in the Ecr delegation with another FDI exponent, Antonio Giordano, as well
“During or after the lunch for the so-called dignitaries, after the inauguration”, the prediction of Carlo Fidanza, present in the Ecr delegation with another FDI exponent, Antonio Giordano, as well
With them, from Rome, also Carlo Fidanza, Antonio Giordano and Andrea Di Giuseppe for Fdl. The Premier, who was rarely framed, was positioned behind past presidents and close to leaders
Source: CorriereCanadese On September 13, twelve days before the national elections in Italy, the New York Times published a story about Russian plans to interfere in Western democratic governments. He
Source: Il Corriere di Los Angeles Political candidate in North and Central America as leaders for the centre-right, Di Giuseppe made the electoral campaign electric, launching an electoral program finally
Source: Libero The leader of the centre-right in North and Central America, Andrea di Giuseppe: «28% of those registered in the registers are over 70 years old, with thousands of
Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano The envelopes are sent to 6 million voters, but in South America there are already two reports of irregularities. The USEI, on the other hand, promises
Source: Gente d’Italia At 80 Street, Miami, in the parking lot of the Osteria restaurant, Italians gathered who, despite the long distance from the country, are interested in national politics.
Source: cnmnd The regularity of the vote of residents abroad, in the North and Central America division, is threatened by the real risk of electoral fraud. This was reported by
Source: PolicyMaker The presence in the lists of Italians residing abroad of numerous 90 and 100 years old remains a mystery. “One of the two: either we live badly or
Source: Corriere Canadese Di Giuseppe points the finger at the mail-order voting system for Italians abroad, which would have “an intrinsic fragility, it does not guarantee that the vote is