Intervention at the Italian Chambers of Commerce in Dubai
In Dubai, I spoke at an event of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad together with Lorenzo Fanara, our ambassador to the UAE. Yesterday evening confirmed that the strength of
In Dubai, I spoke at an event of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad together with Lorenzo Fanara, our ambassador to the UAE. Yesterday evening confirmed that the strength of
The story of Stefano Conti is a story of deprivation, denial of human rights and a farce trial. Stefano is just one of the two thousand Italians detained abroad forgotten
According to Andrea Di Giuseppe, deputy of the Fratelli d’Italia party, the government of Maduro is persecuting opponents of the government. Farnesina still working to free Alberto Trentini Continue reading
«Just criticize Maduro on social media and they come to pick you up: everyone is raided, the Venezuelan intelligence is very efficient, even intercepts the phones», says the FDI deputy
Andrea Di Giuseppe, deputy of Fratelli d’Italia, elected abroad in the North American constituency, who has been dedicated to defending Italian prisoners for many years, commented on the case of
Andrea Di Giuseppe, elected with FdI in North America: unlikely a turn before 20 January «I have always been concerned, as an elected Fratelli d’Italia in North America, with the
In the Belpaese, paradoxes rule the day. The controversies over ius soli, ius scholae and ius culturae do not stop, but for two million Italians living abroad, Italian citizenship remains
The American world tour, eighty days before the presidential election, begins in Miami, Florida, the land and sea border with Cuba. And upon arrival at the airport, it is enough
‘So many ask for it, millions lost it in 1992’ (ANSA) – ROME, Aug. 19 – “In 1992 millions of Italians around the world lost their citizenship. Before talking about