‘So many ask for it, millions lost it in 1992’
(ANSA) – ROME, Aug. 19 – “In 1992 millions of Italians around the world lost their citizenship. Before talking about Ius sanguinis, ius soli, ius culturae and ius scholae, it would be necessary to solve this shame that has been going on for 30 years, a wrong towards our compatriots that could be repaired in a very short time.” Thus Andrea Di Giuseppe, a Fratelli d’Italia parliamentarian elected abroad. “After every Olympics,” Di Giuseppe continues, “the debate is rekindled on the issue of granting citizenship in our country, forgetting the injustice done by Italy to its own children. I have received hundreds of letters from our compatriots, many of them very advanced in years, now in the twilight of life, who only wish to return to Italy and die Italian. Let’s give them back their passports and then deal with the rest.” “Before getting the dual passport, I was an immigrant in the U.S.,” he concludes, “and I know perfectly well the difficulties, the hardship, the hopes and dreams of those who move from one country to another. The mechanisms for granting citizenship absolutely must be revised in Italy, but it must be done in the right way. The left attacks the majority, invoking ius soli, ius culturae and ius scholae, where was it when it had a chance to do something? You don’t play with the hopes of a human being.” (ANSA).
Rome, Aug. 19.
– “In 1992, millions of Italians around the world lost their citizenship. Before talking about Ius sanguinis, ius soli, ius culturae and ius scholae, it would be necessary to resolve this shame that has been going on for 30 years, a wrong towards our compatriots that could be repaired in a very short time.”
Andrea Di Giuseppe, the only Fratelli d’Italia parliamentarian elected abroad, declares.
“After every Olympics-he continues-the debate is rekindled on the issue of granting citizenship in our country, forgetting the injustice done by Italy to its own children. I have received hundreds of letters from our compatriots, many of them very advanced in years, now in the twilight of life, who only wish to return Italian and die Italian. Let’s give them back their passports and then deal with the rest.”
“Before getting the dual passport-remembers-I was an immigrant in the U.S.-and I know perfectly well the difficulties, the toil, the hopes and dreams of those who move from one country to another. The mechanisms for granting citizenship absolutely must be revised in Italy, but it must be done in the right way.”
“The left-with Di Giuseppe concludes-attacks the majority, invoking ius soli, ius culturae and ius scholae: where was it when it had a chance to do something?
You don’t play with the hopes
of a human being.”
Venezuela, Hon. Di Giuseppe: “Priority is to get the Italians freed” Continue reading: https://www.italiareportusa.com/ultimissime/venezuela-on-di-giuseppe-priorita-e-far-liberare-gli-italiani/