Meloni at the Capitol will see the president “Bridge between USA and EU”
Sitting in a theatre, unable to react to a very severe blow for Italian and European companies. «It will not happen», predicts the deputy of FdI Andrea Di Giuseppe, trumpiano
Sitting in a theatre, unable to react to a very severe blow for Italian and European companies. «It will not happen», predicts the deputy of FdI Andrea Di Giuseppe, trumpiano
In short, as the head of the FDI delegation in Brussels Carlo Fidanza says, Trump’s invitation to Meloni is «confirmation of a privileged relationship that will do good for Italy
Meloni dined with Trump in Mar-a-La-go on 4 January, on the surprise trip that helped free Cecilia Sala. Two weeks later, the dilemma over a new hug with the president
To Adnkronos Andrea Di Giuseppe, Italian Fratelli d’Italia deputy of the North and Central America constituency, he explains that “for Italy the risks are lower than in other economies such
The geopolitical shock caused by the return of Donald Trump “is only at the beginning”, says to Adnkronos Andrea Di Giuseppe, deputy of Fratelli d’Italia elected in the constituency Central
She is succeeded by Morawiecki, Fidanza vice at Capitol Hill. Also waiting for the premier, in the front row there will be the FdI Di Giuseppe
The FdI deputy elected in North America. “Cecilia Sala? Complex issue, will find a solution”
For months I had reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office the terrorist threat due to the possibility that Hezbollah members could enter Europe with Italian passports. What the Farnesina unveiled
Meloni thinks Bucci to reward migrant center experiment in Albania in field also Genuardi. But the nomination will be on standby until Election Day.
Meloni is just waiting for Trump to return to the White House, but she has not realized that “The Donald” cares little about their friendly relations. If the former president