Source: l’Opinione della Libertà “I will fight until the last Italian citizen. I will not give up a step”. He said it in unsuspecting times. And it was his word.
Source: l’Opinione della Libertà “I will fight until the last Italian citizen. I will not give up a step”. He said it in unsuspecting times. And it was his word.
Held on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 6:00 PM, the press conference had as its subject the draft law on the reopening of the terms for the reacquire of Italian citizenship.
Watch the video. “The conflict in Ukraine has brought us all back into that great nightmare called war. In this unexpected war scenario, NATO has responded with a firm condemnation
Font: Migrantes It used to be said that Italy has been transformed over the years from a country of emigration into a country of immigration: this phrase has never been
Source: Il Cittadino Canadese The Niaf Gala, the rich Italian-American foundation of Washington D.C., organized an evening in honour of the Tuscany Region. Famous names presented themselves, Mike Pompeo, former
Out of 394 present, of which 389 voted, it is a 59.6 percent (235) yes vote finally approving the new government. Below is the vote of the Honorable Andrea Di
Fonte: La Voce di New York Intervista con l’imprenditore della Florida neo deputato di Fratelli d’Italia, che conquista il seggio per la coalizione di centro destra: “I consolati sono un
Source: Rai Play Casa Italia is a new pre-sale newspaper of Rai Italia for Italians around the world. In the September 29 episode, Roberta Ammendola debated with the Honourable Toni
Source: CorriereCanadese On September 13, twelve days before the national elections in Italy, the New York Times published a story about Russian plans to interfere in Western democratic governments. He
Source: Il Corriere di Los Angeles Political candidate in North and Central America as leaders for the centre-right, Di Giuseppe made the electoral campaign electric, launching an electoral program finally