During a press conference in Montecitorio, Fratelli d’Italia presented a resolution on the consequences of the vote in Venezuela.
In the South American country there is an Italian community of over one and a half million people. Given the current situation in the country – tension and anger in the streets, clashes and arrests – we are very worried about them and will try to help them in every way possible if necessary.
Si parla di possibili incriminazioni per incitamento all’odio per gli arrestati e di pene fino a 20 anni di carcere: invito i nostri connazionali a fare attenzione e a tenersi lontani dagli scontri.
Maduro was proclaimed president despite the non-disclosure of the counts, while the opposition claims victory. It is an explosive situation. The absence of neutral observers and a series of irregularities that have been reported cast a shadow over this election: clarity is needed.